Monday 14 December 2015

3 Horror Trailers for Inspiration

These are the three trailers that relate closely to our Mr Creek trailer. The first trailer that I chose was the 2008 film, The Strangers. The way in which this film relates to our trailer is that in both films families are on vacation/holiday, when a disruption occurs. The second trailer is the 1978 film, Halloween. IN this film Michael Myers seeks revenge on his sister, who he kills and later targets another female who is similar to his sister. This film relates to Mr Creek as there is a sense of revenge in both trailers/films, as Mr Creek wants revenge on a successful author, as he was a failed one. Finally, the last film trailer is the 2014 film, The Babadook. This film uses the same disruption method as our trailer, as there are notes and children books found throughout the house in both trailers, which leads to the unveiling of the villain/monster.

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